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JEOL 733 Electron Microprobe Manual
Electron Microprobe Manual Part 1 JEOL JXA 733 Console Paul Carpenter Division Analytical Facility Department of Geology California Institute of Technology paulc gps caltech edu x6126 This is part 1 of the preliminary user manual for the electron microprobe This portion of the manual contains annotated illustrations of the console modules on our JEOL JXA 733 electron microprobe More than a brief description of the JEOL JXA 733 console modules is contained here c |
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Manuel d`utilisation du microscope JEOL 2000 EX
Manuel d utilisation du microscope JEOL 2000 EX Eric Leroy Version du 4 01 11 15 06 Table des mati res I R glages du microscope A Alignement du microscope 1 Alignement standard B R glage des lentilles projecteurs 04 01 11 2 4 I R glages du microscope EY la OMOR CT Panneau L1 Panneau R1 A Alignement du microscope 1 Alignement standard On aligne la colonne en partant du haut et en descendant canon condenseur objectif |
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Manuel d`utilisation du microscope JEOL 2000 FX
Manuel d utilisation du microscope JEOL 2000 FX Eric Leroy amp Brigitte D camps Table des mati res I R glages du microscope 1 As Alenement du MICCOSCOPELA siia aaa iaa aAa 1 O AA A E O E l 2 Ameme ade alenu CNRS A nt A 2 3 Algnemeni mode A a Ea O A A 2 a Centrage de la lentille EVE a a AA E ee ones 2 ED LT LE LES sa 3 B R glage des lentilles projecteurs sisson incas dust tune 3 Es Utilisation TUS TEN ni n daban a sens caresses ct drete sie dents dt 3 |
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“JEOL Raw File Opener” Plugin for NIH ImageJ Running
JEOL Raw File Opener Plugin for NIH ImageJ Running on Sun Solaris from McSwiggen amp Associates Background Many JEOL 8900 and 8200 users have asked for an easier way to convert JEOL image files to TIFF formats They have asked for a method that does not involve screen capturing that can display micron markers on the images and that can convert many images in a batch manner It was felt that the most direct way to do this was to use the existing program ImageJ and |
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JEOL 7500F Quick User Guide
SR 2 A UNIVERSITY 5 f 8 or NAMUR lt HS ri JEO JEOL 7500F guide d utilisation Service de Microscopie lectronique 1 Pr ambule Ce guide a pour but de rappeler et pas de remplacer la formation dispens e par l ing nieur du service Il se limite la description de la proc dure suivre pour d marrer ses analyses Les param tres d observation et les diff rents d tecteurs feront l objet d un autre fascicule 2 rem |
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JEOL JSM-IC25S Scanning Electron Microscope STANDARD
JEOL JSM IC25S Scanning Electron Microscope STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE TABLE OF CONTENTS EE OND GEN Y SEE OE EE Ee EE EE otos sess 2 Zi INTRODUETION ese SG ese Rene ees ne ge ee sd Ve oe vele id dee des oe 3 3 LOCATION OF EQUIPMENT ACCESSORIES TOOLS AND SUPPLIES 4 4 PERSONAL SAFETY EOUIPMENI esse eras tees sd erens de ed eds geed ede de oe ee ee eg ee dode die 4 5 MATERIAL OMPATIBILITIE SeSe N ed de es es ee Ne ee be eke ie dese ee de es ee 4 |
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10 USING THE JEOL JSM6490LV SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPE Switch on the left monitor Open the Evacuation Monitor program EvacMon and the JEOL Scanning Electron Microscope software 6490 SEM from the desktop Open the Stage window in the SEM software Confirm that X Y R and T are set to 0 Confirm that Z is set to 40mm If they are not click in one of the windows corresponding to the settings and change them to 0 0 0 0 and 40 then press Go and wait for the stage to stop |
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LowDose for JEOL
LowDose for JEOL Software LowDose and Advanced Data Acquisition Version 1 1 1 Introduction 1 1 1 1 1 LowDose for JEOL This is the LowDose software for the user of JEOL electron microscopes The LowDose software is a Plug In for use in Gatan s DigitalMicrograph 3 4 or later for both MacOS and Windows platforms The LowDose Plug In assists users to acquire images or diffraction patterns directly from Gatan MultiScan MSC BioScan cameras with minimum electron |
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