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AKARI Observer`s Manual for the Post-Helium (Phase 3) - RSSD
AKARI Observer s Manual for the Post Helium Phase 3 Mission Version 1 1 for Open Time Observation Planning AKARI User Support Team in Institute of Space and Astronautical Science JAXA contact iris_help ir isas jaxa jp European Space Astronomy Centre ESA contact http akari esac esa int esupport June 12 2008 Revision Record 2008 May 12 Version 1 0 released adapted from ASTRO F Observer s Manual Version 3 2 2008 June 12 Version 1 1 rele |
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Cataleg Karimix Terneros Arranque 4,5%.indd
M xima asimilaci n de los nutrientes de la dieta Permite conseguir el mejor ndice de transformaci n seg n raza y sexo Menor patolog a ruminal y digestiva Facilidad de fabricaci n del pienso disminuyendo el riesgo de errores en la preparaci n del mismo N O laboratorios utrici n Karizoo Concentrado para la fabricaci n de piensos de terneros arranque en fase de engorde e Aporte de concentrado de prote na no degradable en rumen de m xima asi |
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29342161 - Bi-O-Mat W für Karibu
Bi O Mat W Montage und Gebrauchsanweisung Assembly instructions and instructions for use Instructions de montage et d emploi Montagehandleiding en gebruiksaanwijzing Manual de montaje y modo de empleo MADE IN GERMANY Technische Daten Spannung 400 V AC 3N 50 Hz Leistungsaufnahme _ 6 0 7 5 9 0 kW je nach Ausf hrung Verdampferleistung 1 5 kW H he 760 mm bei 160 mm Bodenabstand Breite 450 mm Tiefe 380 mm Steinf llung 15 kg Ableitstrom max 0 7 |
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Global Upholstery Co. Karizma 2761-4LM user manual
KARIZMA true response SUPPORT SYSTEM KARIZMA A management chair that supports your every move 2761 4LM High Back Tilter The human body was designed to move it was not intended to sit in a static position facing a computer screen Movement contributes to good blood flow properly lubricated joints feeding spinal disks and ultimately makes us comfortable alert healthier and more productive in our activities Karizma sTrue Response Support System was |
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STUK - Julkari
O 5 TUK STUK A196 May 2003 OBJ ECTIVE MEASUREMENT OF IMAGE QUALITY IN FEUOROSCOPIC X RAY EQUIPMENT FLUoROQUALITY M Tapiovaara STUK SATEILYTURVAKESKUS Osoite Address Laippatie 4 00880 Helsinki STRALSAKERHETSCENTRALEN Postiosoite Postal address PL PO Box 14 FIN 00881 Helsinki FINLAND RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY Puh Tel 358 9 759 881 Fax 358 9 759 88 500 gt www stuk fi The conclusions presented in the STUK report series are those of |
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Kari User Manual - Automation Products Group, Inc.
PRODUCTS GROUP INC Operator s Manual KA Series Liquid Level Controls 9004020 Rev B 08 14 APG ug s e Automation Products Group Inc APG Providing tailored solutions for measurement applications Tel 1 888 525 7300 Fax 1 435 753 7490 www apgsensors com E mail sales apgsensors com KA Series Rev B 08 14 Table of Contents WTC REIR ones RIO RT 5 TTT Th T sieene oT V ICG MIT 0 LICERET 2 Ru I Y 2 |
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AKARI IRC Data User Manual for Post
AKARI IRC Data User Manual for Post Helium Phase 3 Mission Version 1 1 Takashi Onaka Rosario Lorente Yoshifusa Ita Youichi Ohyama Toshihiko Tanab and Chris Pearson with contributions from Martin Cohen Daisuke Ishihara Itsuki Sakon Takehiko Wada Issei Yamamura and Hideo Matsuhara The University of Tokyo Japan European Space Astronomy Centre ESAC ESA National Astronomical Observatory Japan NAOJ 4 Academia Sinica Inst |
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AKARI IRC Data User Manual
AKARI IRC Data User Manual Version 1 3 Rosario Lorente Takashi Onaka Yoshifusa Ita Youichi Ohyama Toshihiko Tanab and Chris Pearson with contributions from Martin Cohen Daisuke Ishihara Hideo Matsuhara Itsuki Sakon Takehiko Wada Issei Yamamura European Space Astronomy Centre ESAC ESA Tokyo University Japan 3Institute of Space and Astronautical Science ISAS JAXA University of California Berkeley National Astronomical Observato |
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LCD MONITOR USER`S MANUAL - Karin Technology Holdings
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Cataleg Karimix Terneros Arranque 3%.indd
M xima asimilaci n de los nutrientes de la dieta Permite conseguir el mejor ndice de transformaci n seg n raza y sexo Menor patolog a ruminal y digestiva N O laboratorios utrici n Karizoo Concentrado para la fabricaci n de piensos de terneros arranque en fase de engorde Aporte de concentrado de prote na no degradable en rumen de m xima asimilaci n intestinal que mejora los ndices de transformaci n de los piensos Productos l cteos |
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jwchoi _kari
Development of LEON3 FT Processor Emulator for Flight Software Development and Test Jong Wook Choi Hyun Kyu Shin Jae Seung Lee and Yee Jin Cheon Satellite Flight Software Department SWT Korea Aerospace Research Institue 115 Gwahanno Yuseong Daejeon Korea jwchoi hkshin jslee yjcheon kari re kr Abstract During the development of flight software the processor emulator and satellite simulator are essential tools for software development and verification |
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ADP-1000-I-00-KARIN - Kopie - Migros
CROFONE DECT Cordless ADP 1000 Telefono senza filo Istruzioni per l uso art n 7940 002 00081 7940 002 00083 Benvenuti Egregio cliente Grazie per aver scelto questo telefono mobile Con questo telefono cordless lei ha acquistato un prodotto di qualita realizzato con la massima cura Sommario Pagina Avvertenze di sicurezza 2 Disimballo 3 Parti dell apparecchio e elementi di co mando 4 Inserire I accumulatore 6 Montaggio murale 6 Collocare e col |
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User Manual EG101 - Karis Telefon Ab
inteno User Manual EG1017 Ethernet IAD with VoIP Wireless LAN and Ethernet Switch Issue 1 1 5 May 2008 EG101 User s Guide Inteno Broadband Technology AB Tel 46 8 579 190 00 Drivhjulsvagen 22 SE 126 30 Hagersten Sweden Copyright O 2008 Inteno Broadband Technology AB Information in this manual is subject to change without notice No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical including pho |
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Manual Usuario Termoestufa Karina en Inglés V1DEF
USER MANUAL BACKBOILER PELLET OLIVE STONE Electronic regulation of boilers and installation elements heating circuits and Sanitary Hot Water User Manual Boilers Pellet Olive stone Bronpi Calefacci n S L Page 1 46 User Manual Boilers Pellet Olive stone 2o jue 4 3 Safety Recommendations 3 1 Safety Devices AA O ON 7 5 Ao A A 9 5I O 9 |
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Kariba Combo – Bottle Babé
O C Quality made in R S A Now with Push Button Flame lenition A F Bottle Bab in Shower Mode Bottle Bab in Gas Cooker Mode Kariba Combo Bottle Bab The Kariba Combo Bottle Bab is a unique all in one ultra compact and light weight camping appliance designed for user friendly and practical outdoor use This model screws directly onto a standard South African camping gas bottle It is uncluttered and sets up in a few seconds Although Bottl |
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ARRANQUE 1 - Laboratorios Karizoo
PIENSO COMPLEMENTO PARA LA LACTANCIA DE LOS TERNEROS ARRANQUE 1 Leche maternizada destinada a terneros de cebo y terneras de recr a C digo producto 300287 Saco 25 kg O Productos l cteos UDS Leche desnatada en polvo 25 Prote nas brutas 22 O Materias grasas brutas kii Ventajas Probi ticos regulaci n de la flora intestinal El mejor compromiso calidad precio Aceite de coco gt digestibilidad y aprovechamiento El alto valor nutricional del ARRA |
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AKARI IRC Data User Manual
AKARI IRC Data User Manual Version 1 4 Rosario Lorente Takashi Onaka Yoshifusa Ita Youichi Ohyama Toshihiko Tanab and Chris Pearson with contributions from Martin Cohen Daisuke Ishihara Hideo Matsuhara Itsuki Sakon Takehiko Wada Issei Yamamura European Space Astronomy Centre ESAC ESA Tokyo University Japan 3Institute of Space and Astronautical Science ISAS JAXA University of California Berkeley National Astronomical Observator |
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AKARI FIS Data User Manual
AKARI FIS Data User Manual Version 1 3 Eva Verdugo Issei Yamamura and Chris Pearson with contributions from Mai Shirahata Shuji Matsuura Yoko Okada Sin itirou Makiuti Noriko Murakami and Mitsunobu Kawada IEuropean Space Astronomy Centre ESAC ESA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science ISAS JAXA 3Nagoya University Japan September 14 2007 Version 1 3 September 14 2007 Revision Record Date Revision Comments Mar 2007 Rel |
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Jabón natural con leche de burra y manteca de karité
Q Ecovai buy eco Jab n natural con leche de burra y ETI manteca de karit oc ano fresco a Xab n d Allariz 100 gr leitedeburra 5 Referencia hpxa14007 Caracter sticas No contiene fragancias artificiales ni productos qu micos que pueden irritar La piel Se garantiza el uso de materias primas naturales y de primera calidad como la manteca de karit o Los aceites vegetales Es por tanto una opci n ideal para la higiene cotidiana La piel se benefi |
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Jabón natural con leche de burra y manteca de karité, violeta
Q Ecovai buy eco Jab n natural con leche de burra y manteca de karit violeta Xab n d Allariz 100 gr Referencia hpxa14004 Caracter sticas No contiene fragancias artificiales ni productos qu micos que pueden irritar la piel Se garantiza el uso de materias primas naturales y de primera calidad como la manteca de karit o los aceites vegetales Es por tanto una opci n ideal para la higiene cotidiana La piel se beneficia as no s lo de una limpieza |
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