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Appendix 4 Alecsis assembler
Appendix 4 Alecsis assembler Virtual processor is one of the main parts of Alecsis simulation engine It emulates the behaviour of a real hardware processor by executing commands successively according to type The set of legal instructions for the virtual processor comes with adaptations and changes from the set for MC68020 Motorola microprocessor Text in AleC can be translated into the assembly language assembler code if you use option S file with the extension as |
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7. Analogue simulation in Alecsis
7 Analogue simulation in Alecsis In time domain analogue simulation system of equations that describes the analogue circuit system is composed and solved in many time instants If the circuit is nonlinear the linearized system is created and solved in many iterations in every time instants until the convergence occurs Therefore there are two loops time domain outer loop and iterative inner loop The control of time step size and convergence control are described in Chap |
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Appendix 7 Alecsis Library Manager -
Appendix 7 Alecsis library manager alm While speaking about Alecsis we mentioned forming of libraries Alecsis supports use of libraries and we recommend it All function calls as well as calls of modules model cards and other object can be performed from previously formed libraries Library file can store the following objects global data data functions funct model cards model and modules module The user can define data functions model cards and modules than |
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6. Digital simulation in Alecsis
6 Digital simulation in Alecsis The previous chapter has introduced basic terms and concepts used in Alecsis for both analogue digital and hybrid circuit simulation We are now going to focus on each group separately This chapter discusses digital simulation in Alesis 6 1 Alecsis support for digital simulation Logic simulation can be performed using different systems of logic states For each system of states new logic gates have to be developed We generalize this a |
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Alecsis 2.3 User`s Manual
Alecsis 2 3 the Simulator for Circuits and Systems User s Manual Laboratory for Electronic Design Automation University of Nis Faculty of Electronic Engineering Beogradska 14 18000 Nis Yugoslavia 1 1998 Alecsis Manual Zeljko Mr arica Dejan Glozic Van o Litovski Dejan Maksimovi Tihomir Ilic Dragan Gavrilovi Laboratory for Electronic Design Automation University of Nis Faculty of Electronic Engineering Beogradska 14 18000 Nis Yugoslavia http |
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8. Hybrid simulation in Alecsis
8 Hybrid simulation in Alecsis If a circuit has both analogue and digital components the simulation is hybrid Analogue components are time continuous and analogue links node f low etc have real values That means for analogue components system of equations is built and solved in many time instants Digital components are discrete event i e they are active only in discrete time instants That means that an event driven simulation algorithm is used where propagation of eve |
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