Dimm PC_KIT02


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1. Dimm PC_KIT02

DIMM PC Development Kit User Manual preliminary version Development Kit Manual Version 1 0 Table of Contents U VEL VION sto u A 5 1 1 Hardware SPC CII CALOU 45 5505 60 scoa ca ii ici 6 1 2 Software Specifications r Ada ra as 6 2 ACCME started e A A 7 3i Tatd ware POS PAN 8 3 1 Block Diagrames sk A K 8 312 Memory MAD uli kou on la O 8 3 3 DIMM Base Borda ls 9 3 3 1 Board Layout ta A a dit 9 3 312 AAA r 9 332l JTAG te eStores lect tu hare researc aalate

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