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Computational Contextual Vocabulary Acquisition: A Noun Algorithm
Computational Contextual Vocabulary Acquisition A Noun Algorithm Marc K Broklawski State University of New York at Buffalo Department of Computer Science and Engineering CSE 663 Advanced Knowledge Representation May 3 2002 ABSTRACT The purpose of my work throughout the current academic year related to making Karen Ehrlich s noun algorithm more efficient A great amount of effort has been made to remove all the redundancy present in the original noun algorithm Additional |
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Vocabulary for iPad Training Aligned to ScoTutor For iPad Section One Places and Symbols Side Arrow Dot Line i e 3 amp lt o 2 amp 9 e Corner 1 Sevhan Acar amp Denise McQueen Ozdeniz EFL Through iPads Section Two Verbs related to using a iPad To tap on the screen with a finger single tap x 1 or double tap x 2 To tap and hold on an icon To drag something with your finger http www google com nexus |
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German Vocabulary List
OCR RECOGNISING ACHIEVEMENT Vocabulary List General and Topic Areas 1 to 5 GCSE Spanish OCR GCSE in Spanish J732 OCR GCSE Short Course in Spanish Spoken Language J032 OCR GCSE Short Course in Spanish Written Language J132 This Vocabulary List is designed to accompany the OCR GCSE Spanish Specification for teaching from September 2009 OCR 2010 Contents 2 Spanish GCSE Vocabulary List 3 Spanish Vocabulary List General 5 Topic Area 1 Home and loca |
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Large Vocabulary Search Space Reduction Employing Directed
N INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPEECH TECHNOLOGY 5 355 370 2002 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers Manufactured in The Netherlands Large Vocabulary Search Space Reduction Employing Directed Acyclic Word Graphs and Phonological Rules KALLIRROI GEORGILA NIKOS FAKOTAKIS AND GEORGE KOKKINAKIS Wire Communications Laboratory Electrical and Computer Engineering Department University of Patras Greece rgeorgil wcl ee upatras gr fakotaki wcl ee upatras gr gkokkin wcl ee upat |
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