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# | Title | Type | Language | Download |
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(Programme for Organising Students` Choices )
Programme for Organising Students Choices Curriculum Development Institute User Manual updated as at 11 04 2008 Step 1 Enter students names and choices of elective subjects You can enter students names and choices either from the keyboard or copy from a file that already contains their names and choices The maximum number of student is 244 The programme will assign subjects to students according to the priority set listed in the table Please enter al |
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MnCHOICES User Manual - Minnesota Department of Human
Minnesota Department of Human Services MnCHOICES User Manual Draft 1 1 NOTE This is the VERY first draft of the MUM and it has not been fully vetted Users may find information terms in the MUM that conflict with instructions received for Beta testing or information learned during navigation training Allin all MUM Draft 1 0 is a viable resource but users are encouraged to provide feedback on sections that need more clarification or topics and tools that need to be added |
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Connecting M1™ to your Scope: You Have Choices
ASA ASA Application Note 09 03 Connecting M1 to your Scope You Have Choices Rev L July 2014 Amherst Systems Associates Inc www amherst systems com Clock amp Timing Engineering M1 Waveform Tools ASA 2 The purpose of this Application Note is to outline the various configurations by which M1 Waveform Tools can communicate with your oscilloscope and provide detailed instructions on how to set up and configure your system for each of those choices If you a |
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Invacare® Meteor - Mobility Equipment Choices
Invacare Meteor Scooter User Manual d How can you get in touch with Invacare If you have any questions or need support please contact your authorised Invacare Dealer who has the necessary know how and equipment plus the special knowledge concerning your Invacare product and can offer you all round satisfactory service Should you wish to contact Invacare directly you can reach us in Europe at the following addresses and phone numbers CAT Mobitec Mobil |
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Choices Without Backtracking - Association for the Advancement of
From AAAI 84 Proceedings Copyright 1984 AAAI www aaai org All rights reserved CHOICES WITHOUT BACKTRACKING Johan de Kleer Intelligent Systems Laboratory XEROX Palo Alto Rescarch Center 3333 Coyote Hill Road Palo Alto California 94304 ABSTRACT Artificial Intelligence problem solvers are frequently confronted with the necessity to make choices among equally plausible alternatives These may concern the choice of which goal to try to achieve next which priori |
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