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Samsung AS09BPA User Manual
OWNER S INSTRUCTIONS ASO9BP Series AS12BP Series AS18BP Series AS24BP Series Split type Air Conditioner Cooling and Heating GO PDG DB98 23940A 4 EA AAHNIKA DEUTSCH PORTUGU S ITALIANO FRAN AIS ESPA OL ENGLISH Register your product at www samsung com global register Safety Precautions You should take the following safety precautions when using your air conditioner N WARN IN G e If you don t follow the safety precautions you may get the risk of an elec |
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VT COMFORT- VT ONE - M0S09809 1U02:FEV 1000-950.qxd
VT COMFORT VT ONE M0S09809 1U02 ESPANOL VAPORETTO COMFORT VAPORETTO ONE ADVERTENCIAS CONSERVAR ESTE MANUAL DE INSTRUCCIONES e Antes de utilizar el aparato lea atentamente estas instrucciones de uso Cualquier uso diferente del indicado en las presentes advertencias anular la ga rant a En caso de p rdida del presente manual de instrucciones se puede consultar y o descargar de la p gina web www polti com Desembalar el producto y comprobar la integridad |
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model numbers: 13-s000 through 13-s099
HP Pavilion x360 Convertible PC model numbers 13 s000 through 13 s099 Maintenance and Service Guide IMPORTANT This document is intended for HP authorized service providers only Copyright 2015 Hewlett Packard Development Company L P Bluetooth is a trademark owned by its proprietor and used by Hewlett Packard Company under license Intel and Core are U S registered trademarks of Intel Corporation Microsoft and Windows are U S registered trademarks of Microsof |
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Samsung AS09XANXSV Hướng dẫn sử dụng
nmsuncc H NG D N S D NG D nh Cho C c Ki u M y AS05X AS07X AS09X M y i u H a Kh ng Kh D ng T ch R i Lo i ch l m m t S i n tho i mi n ph 1800 588 889 WN DB98 27210A 1 KHUY N C O LO I B M Y L U I2 00198 9 0 7 N9057 10 0 1 057 1 8 10 1 2 1210 1 10 319Nei9 i 61 1 19 1 14 H ng D n S D ng An To n B n n n tu n th c c h ng d n an |
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Samsung AS091VE/D user manual
OWNER S INSTRUCTIONS Indoor Unit AS070VE D B AS090VE D AS120VE D AS071VE D B AS091VE D AS 121VE D Indoor Unit AS07A1 A2 VE B A S 09A 1 A 2 VE B AS 12A1 A2 VE B SC09ZV SC12ZV A S 07A 1 A 2 VA A S 09A 1 A 2 VA A S 09D 1 D 2 VD A S12D 1 D 2 VD SPLIT TYPE ROOM AIR CONDITIONER Cool e NL DB68 00817A 1 Safety Precautions The following safety precautions must be taken when using your air conditioner 1 M ake sure that the indoor unit is correctly |
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LECOASPIRA 712 - M0S09417 - 1Q07:Layout 1.qxd
an Feil _ e oaspira o EFN erect Vaporetto Lecoaspira 712 M0S09417 Edizione 1Q07 ITALIANO LECOASPIRA 712 LEGENDA 1 Interruttore generale 2 Pulsante caldaia funzione cotto parquet 2A Spia funzione parquet 3 Spia mancanza acqua 4 Spia pressione 5 Indicatori luminosi aumento aspirazione 6 Maniglia trasporto 7 Tappo serbatoio 8 Manopola regolazione vapore 9 Sportello presa monoblocco 10 Presa monoblocco 11 Gr |
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LECOASPIRA INTELLIGENT - M0S09384 1Q06:Layout 1.qxd
X ecoaspira INTELLIGENT Vaporetto Lecoaspira Intelligent M0S09384 Edizione 1006 Fig 11 ESPANOL LECOASPIRA INTELLIGENT LEYENDA 1 Interruptor general 2 Pulsador OK 3 Pulsador SET 4 Pulsador UP aumento vapor programa 5 Pulsador DOWN disminuci n |
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Samsung AS09MSBN User Manual
Moderato DB98 27910A IB E co indd 2 Contents PREPARATION m Safety Precautions m Name of Each Part m Remote Control Buttons and Display m Inserting the Remote Control Batteries Mi Getting Started e ANE A E A e OPERATION m Selecting Auto Mode m Selecting Cool Mode m Selecting Dry Mode s m Selecting Fan Mode va 5 m Selecting the Turbo Function m Selecting the Energy Saving Function m Selecting good sleep Mode m Adjustin |
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M0S09118_I - Servizio Assistenza Tecnica Polti
pese 8 f 11 dl QUOIZIPA 8LLEOSON POD WALSAS IANN LA ITALIANO VAPORETTO MULTI SYSTEM Mi Prima di utilizzare l apparecchio leggere attentamente le presenti ILL istruzioni d uso Gentile Cliente vogliamo ringraziarLa per la fiducia accordataci acquistando questo prodotto e quindi di aver contri buito alla salvaguardia del bene pi prezioso che ci circonda LA NATURA VAPORETTO risolve infatti tutti i problemi di pulizia e di igiene senza l |
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M0S09371_I - Servizio Assistenza Tecnica Polti
ECOCLEANING N i KS SI S N 4 Vaporetto Lecoaspira Ecocleaning M0S09371 Edizione 1Q06 5 on BOILER ITALIANO LECOASPIRA ECOCLEANING LEGENDA 1 Interruttore generale 2 Pulsante caldaia funzione cotto parquet 2A Spia funzione parquet 3 Spia mancanza acqua 4 Spia riscaldamento 4a Spia pronto vapore 5 Indicatori luminosi aumento aspirazione 6 Maniglia trasporto 7 Tappo serbatoio 8 Manopola regolazione vapore 9 Sportello pres |
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Samsung AS09A6ME User Manual
DB68 01128A 10 AS24A1 A2 RE B C D AST24A1 A2 A5 A6 A8 RE B C D SC24TA1 A2 A5 A6 A8 AS18A1 A2 A5 A6 A9 AO RE B C D AST18A1 A2 A5 A6 A9 AO RE B C D SC18TA1 A2 A5 A6 A9 A0 SC18ZA1 A2 A5 A6 A9 A0 AS12A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AO MB C D E EA SC12ZA1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A0 SC12ZA1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A SC12ZA1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 B SC12AA5 AS09A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 MB C D E SC09ZA1 A2 A3 A4 |
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AS0922MP-CL Serial No
WATER SOFTENER WITH MICROPROCESSOR INSTALLATION amp OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Model AS0922MP CL Serial No Manufacturer and Supplier of IBC FILTRATION amp WATER TREATMENT PRODUCTS lt Mein Se for commercial industrial and residential application Qualit Telephone 07 3219 2233 Facsimile 07 3219 2266 Email sales ibcwater com au Website www ibcwater com au AS0922MP CL Page 1 GENERAL WATER SOFTENER PERF |
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LECOASPIRA 707 - M0S09718 - 1R02:Layout 1.qxd
2 ecoaspira Vaporetto Lecoaspira 707 509718 Edizione 1R02 ITALIANO LECORSPIRA 707 LEGENDA 1 Interruttore generale 2 Interruttore caldaia 3 Spia mancanza acqua 4 Spia pressione 5 Indicatori luminosi aumento aspirazione 6 Maniglia trasporto 7 Tappo serbatoio 8 Manopola regolazione vapore 9 Sportello presa monoblocco 10 Presa monoblocco 11 Griglia uscita aria 12 Ruote piroettanti 13 Cavo alimentazione 14 Sede pass |
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Samsung US09A5(A6)MA user manual
OWNER S INSTRUCTIONS amp INSTALLATION MANUAL MANUAL DEINSTRUCCIONES amp MANUAL DE INSTALACION MANUEL D UTILISATION amp MANUEL D INSTALLATION Indoor Unit Outdoor Unit AS07A5 A6 MA AS09A5 A6 MA AS12A5 A6 MC AS12AA AB MC AS18A5 A6 RC AS18A9 A0 RCD AS24A1 A2 RC US07A5 A6 MA US09A5 A6 MA US12A5 A6 MC US12AA AB MC US18A5 A6 RC US18A9 A0 RCD US24A1 A2 RC Split type Room Air Conditioner Cool Aire acondicionado domestico sistema Split Refrigera |
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Sanyo KS0951 user manual
SA YO INSTRUCTION MANUAL COOL DRY Model Split System Air Conditioner KS0951 KS1251 KS1852 Save These Instructions Pub 01 85264180330005 SANYO 2002 VERIFIED CS VERIFIE Energy Performace Rendement Energetique Printed on Recycled Paper Features This air conditioner is equipped with cooling and drying functions Details on these functions are provided below refer to these descriptions when using the air conditioner Microproce |
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Frigidaire Air Conditioner FRS09PYC11 User Guide
FRIGIDAIRE Home Comfort Ductless Mini Split FRS09PYS1 Air Conditioner Heat Pump FRIGIDAIRE FRS09PYW1 1 Indoor Signature Features Effortless Temperature Control Our air conditioners maintain the preset room temperature so you will remain comfortable at all times Ready Select Controls Easily select options with the touch of a button Remote Control Allows you to precisely control the temperature and fan speed from across the room Effortles |
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M0S09128_I - Servizio Assistenza Tecnica Polti
GENIUS ecoaspira X INNOVATIVE BY NATURE Vaporetto Lecoaspira Genius M0S09128 Edizione 1Q01 ITALIANO LECOASPIRA GENIUS LEGENDA 1 Interruttore generale 2 Tasto OK 3 Tasto SET 4 Tasto UP aumento vapore programma 5 Tasto DOWN diminuzione vapore programma 6 Maniglia trasporto 7 Tappo serbatoio 8 Display 8A Indicatore programma 8B Indicatore quantit vapore 8C Indicatore velocit aspirazio |
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DECRPE015 (CDS09) A4.cdr
CRONOTERMOSTATO DIGITALE DA INCASSO Serie MODULO H 45 mm FINITURA LUXOR m CE PE DEGRPE015 Art 1CR CDS09 LA Luxor Antracite Art 1ICR CDS09 LT Luxor Tecno Settimanale Inverno c Estate c 3 livelli di temperatura regolabili antigelo Ingresso per comando remoto da programmatore telefonico SMALTIMENTO A FINE VITA DI APPARECCHI ELETTRICI ED ELETTRONICI direttiva europea 2002 96 CE Questo simbolo sul prodotto o sul suo imballo indica che q |
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Samsung AS09UGAN User Manual
A A features Of your new ar c onaltoner Cool Summer Offer On those hot sweltering summer days and long restless nights there is no better escape from the heat than the cool comforts of home Your new air conditioner brings an end to exhausting hot summer days and lets you rest Beat the heat with your own air conditioner this summer Look for Everywhere The elegant and harmonious design gives priority to the esthetics of your space and complements any of your |
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Samsung AS09P8GE User Manual
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