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1. certificate

CERTIFICATE HUNGUARD Sz m t stechnikai informatikai kutat fejleszt s ltal nos szolg ltat Kft on the basis of the decree 15 2001 VIII 27 MeHVM as a designated product certification organization by the 002 2004 designation document of the Minister of Information and Telecommunication of the Hungarian Republic certifies that ProtectServer Orange former name CSA8000 Adapter hardware version G revision Cprov firmware version 1 10 electronic signat

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Page 1 of 69 r z ZI8 B EQ CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY For the following information Ref File No C1M1503003 Product Intel Compute Stick Test Model STCK1A32WFC Family Product Code xSTCK1xFCx Where x may be a combination of alphanumeric characters or blank Brand Name Intel Applicant INTEL CORP Test Report Number EM E150125 Standards EN 55022 2010 AC 2011 Class B EN 61000 3 2 2014 and EN 61000 3 3 2008 EN 55024 2010 EN 61000 4 2 2009 IEC 61000 4 2
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Page of 30 ZI8 B EQ CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY For the following information Ref File No C1M1503003 Product Intel Compute Stick Test Model SICK1A32WFC Family Product Code XSTCK1xFOx Where x may be a combination of alphanumeric characters or blank Brand Name Intel Test Report Number EM V150032 Standards Agreement of VCCI by ITE Apr 2014 Regulation of VCCI 2 2012 and V 3 Apr 2014 and V 4 Apr 2012 We hereby certify that the abo
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