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# | Title | Type | Language | Download |
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VAST Lite Volume Annotation and Segmentation Tool User Manual
VAST Lite Volume Annotation and Segmentation Tool User Manual VAST Lite 1 0 Daniel R Berger July 30 2015 il Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Getting Started 5 2 1 System Requirements e 5 2 2 PTOsTany Set p a a ia 6 221 Try Om AA Sh a 6 2 2 2 Preferences o ee ee 6 2 3 Additional Files Included With VAST 8 3 Working with VAST 9 3 1 Image Stack Importing o e 9 3 1 1 Importin |
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CADIXE XML Annotation Editor Objectives of the editor
CADERIGE project the CADIXE XML Annotation Editor CADIXE XML Annotation Editor User manual editor version 1 08 22 03 04 translation v0 2 Contact gilles bisson imag fr poibeau lipn univ paris13 fr for the English version of the manual Objectives of the editor The CADIXE XML Annotation Editor has been developed for easy and interactive annotation of documents using a tag set described by an XML DTD Below are two websites concerning XML and related stuff e XML |
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Annotation of genomics data using bidirectional hidden Markov
Molecular Systems Biology Peer Review Process File molecular systems biology Annotation of genomics data using bidirectional hidden Markov models unveils variations in Pol Il transcription cycle Benedikt Zacher Michael Lidschreiber Patrick Cramer Julien Gagneur and Achim Tresch Corresponding author Achim Tresch Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research Review timeline Submission date 04 August 2014 Editorial Decision 26 September 2014 Revision recei |
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AccuCore STA DSPF Backannotation Timing Verification
SILVACO Application Note AccuCore STA DSPF Backannotation Timing Verification Design Flow Abstract This application note highlights when and why DSPF back annotation is needed during timing verification and details the SILVACO design flow process steps necessary to uti lize this enhanced method of timing analysis The tools to be discussed include EXPERT HIPEX NET HIPEX RC ClarityRLC AccuCore AccuCore STA and SILOS along with data formats Graphical Design Sys |
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E. Anexo 2 Graphic Annotation Tool (GAT) User`s Guide
ENIT 2007 1012 igmedia Cent ID ll AHN tecnol gico Industrial igmedia Tecnologias para la Creacion y Gestion Automatizada de Contenidos Audiovisuales Inteligentes E 2 2 3 1 Anexo 2 Graphic Annotation Tool GAT User s Guide Graphic Annotation Tool GAT User s Guide Neus Camps and Khristina L pez This document presents the guide needed to understand and use all Abstract the features of the annotation tool based on regions developed by the GPI of the UPC |
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L`annotation structurelle
L annotation structurelle Fran ois Daoust Yves Marcoux Jean Marie Viprey UQAM Centre ATO Qu bec Canada 2 UdeM EBSI GRDS Qu bec Canada 3 UFC Besan on France R sum Dans la tradition de l analyse de textes par ordinateur l annotation et la cat gorisation font partie des op rations permettant d enrichir les donn es textuelles au fur et mesure de leur analyse clair e par des outils statistiques et divers modes |
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ADC COMPACT ANNOTATION SOFTWARE USER MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS ADC COMPACT ANNOTATION SOFTWARE 1 Drawing tool Measuring tool Measuring Distance Measuring Angle Grid overlay Distance Calibration Deleting objects O AN DW PD gt ANALYSIS 12 ROI 12 Density profile 14 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS 17 o as 22054 GB 199801 ADC Compact Annotation Software 2205A GB 199801 ADC Compact Annotation Software ADC Compact Annotation software The ADC Compact |
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TEXmate (comprehensive chess annotation in LATEX) Usage
TEXmate comprehensive chess annotation in BTEX Usage sample and reference Federico Garcia federook gmail com 03 13 05 Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 A note on installation 2 3 Basic conventions 2 4 Formatting and punctuation 3 5 Commentary 4 5 1 Additional commenting tools seu csar orere o 4 6 Diagrams 5 7 Samples 5 fil Avfamous study a a e aa 2 Eda ee A A ag ig aed 6 7 2 Watson s format 22 4 e 2a be be ee eee ee ae 7 Ta Schillers format see eect gee e |
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Spatiotemporal annotation of data packets in wireless networks
az United States Patent Agrawal et al US008913552B2 US 8 913 552 B2 Dec 16 2014 0 Patent No 45 Date of Patent 54 SPATIOTEMPORAL ANNOTATION OF DATA PACKETS IN WIRELESS NETWORKS 75 Inventors Dakshi Agrawal Monsey NY US Chatschik Bisdikian Chappaqua NY US 73 Assignee International Business Machines Corporation Armonk NY US Notice Subject to any disclaimer the term of this patent is extended or adjusted u |
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VAST Lite Volume Annotation and Segmentation Tool User Manual
VAST Lite Volume Annotation and Segmentation Tool User Manual VAST Lite RC1 Daniel R Berger October 20 2014 il Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Getting Started 5 2 1 System Requirements 5 2 2 Goa a Ra he Gee a 6 21 Try Th Out ee ors Sh a i 6 2 2 2 Preferences 0 2 ee ee ee 6 2 3 Additional Files Included With VAST 8 Working with VAST 9 |
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A collaborative video annotation and sketching tool
A collaborative video annotation and sketching tool Lienzo Vrije University of Amsterdam Javier Quevedo Fern ndez Supervisor Anton Eliens 1 Introduction sss sss sss sss sss sss sss sese aaaeeeaa 3 2 Users manual wasiscsdesiaceeewaandswteatstestenssikeedetivccnsice 3 Create a new video sssssssssssseeeseeeeeeeee reenn eenn 3 Create annotaiong sss sssee sees eree eee eee eee ereenn ennenen eenn d Share 9 VideO arrenar aaae aeea ee eee aaet ceeded aeaaaee nEaN 4 |
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Media presentation playback annotation
US 20120297284A1 as United States a2 Patent Application Publication 10 Pub No US 2012 0297284 Al Matthews III et al 43 Pub Date Nov 22 2012 54 MEDIA PRESENTATION PLAYBACK 652 WSC sereen bent ikinen 715 233 ANNOTATION 75 Inventors Joseph H Matthews III Woodinville WA US Udiyan 57 ABSTRACT Padmanabhan Seattle WA US Annotations can be automatically added to a media presen Jannes Paul Peters Seattle WA tation during playback of the present |
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Support de TD (annotation_genes_2013)
South Green bioinformatics platform Annotation de s quences g nomiques Exemple d une r gion du chromosome 1 de riz autour du g ne qSH1 Os _1 36429001 36558000 Il Annotation de g nes codant des prot ines 1 Objectif du TD L objectif du TD est d identifier sur une grande r gion g nomique l ensemble des structures codant potentiellement pour des prot ines au travers d un ensemble de m thodes d annotation intrins ques pr diction ab initio de st |
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Houdini, an Annotation Assistant for ESC/Java
SRC Technical Note 2000 003 December 31 2000 Houdini an Annotation Assistant for ESC Java Cormac Flanagan and K Rustan M Leino COMPAQ Systems Research Center 130 Lytton Avenue Palo Alto California 94301 http www research compaq com SRC Copyright Compaq Computer Corporation 2000 All rights reserved Abstract A static program checker that performs modular checking can check one program module for errors without needing to analyze the entire program |
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Spatiotemporal Annotation of Data Packets in Wireless Networks
19 US 20120188940A1 a2 Patent Application Publication o Pub No US 2012 0188940 A1 United States Agrawal et al 43 Pub Date Jul 26 2012 54 SPATIOTEMPORAL ANNOTATION OF DATA 82 US CL serdar tan 370 328 PACKETS IN WIRELESS NETWORKS 57 ABSTRACT 75 Inventors Dakshi Agrawal Monsey NY Techniques for annotating data packets with time and or loca US Chatschik Bisdikian tion information in wireless networks are provided In one Chappaqua NY US |
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Survey of existing tools, standards and user needs for annotation of
Project ref no IST 1999 10647 Project title ISLE Natural Interactivity and Multimodality Working Group Dae abatai Contractual date of October 2000 delivery Actual date of January 2001 delivery Deliverable number D11 1 Natural Interaction and Multimodal Data 101 WP contributing WwP11 to the deliverable WP Task Laila Dybkj r NISLab responsible Author s Laila Dybkjer Stephen Berman Michael Kipp Malene Wegener Olsen Vito Pirrelli Norbert Reithinger Cla |
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D5.4 - DASISH Web Annotation (DWAN) framework
e DASISH Data Service Infrastructure for the Social Sciences and Humanities EC FP7 Grant Agreement Number 283646 Deliverable Report Deliverable D5 4 Deliverable Name DASISH Web Annotation DWAN framework Task Leader Olha Shkaravska MPG TLA Work Package Leader Daan Broeder MPG TLA Contributing Partners and Editors Valentina Ascuitti KCL Daan Broeder MPG TLA Stuart Dunn KCL Twan Goosen MPG TLA Indrek Jentson University of Tartu Przemek Le |
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Elmo Annotation Module EVR-100 user manual
ELMO ANNOTATION MODULE EVR 100 SETTING UP Stretch the film over the stage Stick the end of the film on the core of the empty roll by using adhesive tape Wind the film by turning the take up knob Prace the EVR 100 on the stage of your ELMO Presenter for use Caution Do not write on top surface directly only write on Acetate Dimensions 12 4 W x 14 8 D x 2 4 H 315mm W x 376mm D x 61mm H Weight 1 5 lbs 0 68 kg OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES Writing Roll Fi |
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Using GATE as an Annotation Tool
Using GATE as an Annotation Tool Tom Kenter Diana Maynard 20th July 2004 Contents 1 Introduction 2 Getting started 2 1 Download and install the software o o 22 Doc mentation i y sared de RA ad a a RAGES 29 A GATH Sesto A a AA A 2 3 1 Start the GATE application cada er tri AAA 2 3 2 Importing loading saving resources ooo a 2 3 3 Annotation schemas o a a oben do ge A a 234s Start anota ea rata a ai E Y A amp de Bee aN 2 3 5 Manu |
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COMMUNITY ANNOTATIONS USER MANUAL This manual is intended to explain in detail how researchers can enter the MGOS database and in particular how to add manual annotation information to the Magnaporthe genome We hope it will stimulate researchers to add their sequence expression and mutant data to provide maximum utility of the information to the community Table of Contents A General Information about Database 1 Information 2 Forum 3 4 IRBC abstracts 4 Gene |
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