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1. |
Istruzioni per il montaggio e l`uso dell`inverter solare PIKO
KOSTAL Solar Electric i A La Inverter 5 5 8 3 10 1 Versione software a partire da 2 0 Auto IP COLOPHON KOSTAL Solar Electric GmbH HanferstraBe 6 79108 Freiburg i Br Germania Tel 49 0 761 703870 0 Fax 49 0 761 703870 19 www kostal solar electric com Esclusione della responsabilit Tutti i nomi usati nomi commerciali nomi di prodotti o altre definizioni possono essere protetti legalmente anche senza una speciale etichetta ad es come |
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2. |
NESS www e ness fr Technologies M dicales HealthCare Technology MANUEL D UTILISATION PiKo 1 PRESENTATION DU PRODUIT Le d bim tre lectronique PiKo 1 mesure le D bit Expiratoire de Pointe DEP et le Volume Expir Maximum la premi re Seconde VEMS DEP d bit le plus rapide auquel une personne peut expirer l air de ses poumons VEMS quantit d air expir e dans la premi re seconde d une expiration forc e Son cran permet de visualiser les r |
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3. |
PiKo-1 Avertissement Description du PiKo-1 Réglage des
PiKo 1 Manuel d utilisation Destination du produit Le PiKo 1 mesure le D bit Expiratoire de Pointe DEP et le Volume Expir Maximum la premi re Seconde VEMS Son cran permet de visualiser les r sultats des tests ainsi que des zones de couleur vert jaune rouge permettant de comparer ces r sultats aux valeurs de r f rence du patient De plus il value la qualit du souffle afin d inviter le patient renouveler le test si n cessaire toux souffle suspect |
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4. |
N11469 ver 1.3 Piko Thermal Cycler User Manual
Thermo Scientific Piko Thermal Cycler User Manual Copyright 2013 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc First edition published in 2010 All rights reserved All trademarks are the sole property of Thermo Fisher Scientifi Reproduction of the accompanying user documentation in whole or in partis prohibited License and trademark information This product is covered by the following patents and patents pending EP1973664B1 JP5248503B2 and US20080061429A1 Notic |
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5. |
PiKoder/SSC-HP User`s Manual ( file)
PiKoder SSC HP User s Guide Version 1 0 dated 05 01 15 Gregor Schlechtriem PiKoder SSC HP User s Guide Content Overview 3 Features 5 Daisy CHADE aiser asset 5 Failsafe Positions orenera easa phat atet pit wet miata niet ate nits 5 Serial Interface 7 Mint SSC Protocole cecctvestoecivestevnicestecsteecteccsvecencses Seaside naa 7 ASCII Command Intertace sindene annen 10 Pin Description and Packaging 13 Deschipfion of PINS arasina ren 14 Standard applicatio |
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6. |
PiKo-6 Manual - French_1 updated.eps
PiKo 1 MANUEL D UTILISATION Destination du produit Le PiKo 6 est con u pour le d pistage et le suivi des maladies respiratoires telles que la BPCO et l asthme Le PiKo 6 mesure le Volume Expir Maximum la 1 re seconde VEMS et le Volume Expir Maximum la 6 me seconde VEMG Son cran permet de visualiser les r sultats des tests ainsi que des zones de couleur vert jaune rouge permettant de comparer ces r sultats aux valeurs de r f rence du patient De pl |
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7. |
Important Le PiKo est destiné à être utilisé par un patient unique
NESS www e ness fr Important Le PiKo est destin tre utilis par un patient unique comme d crit dans son manuel d utilisation Toutefois il permet une application multi patients gr ce l usage d embouts jetables usage unique Cet embout jetable utilis en mode multi patients k doit tre imp rativement chang entre chaque patient Le nettoyage du PiKo d crit dans son manuel d utilisation s applique au deux modes d utilisation mais une fois ut |
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8. |
NESS www e ness fr Technologies M dicales HealthCare Technology MANUEL D UTILISATION PiKo 6 PRESENTATION DU PRODUIT Le spirom tre lectronique miniature PiKo 6 mesure le Volume Expir Maximum la premi re seconde VEMS le Volume Expir Maximum la sixi me seconde VEM6 et calcule le rapport VEMS VEM6 Son cran permet de visualiser les r sultats des tests VEMS en litre VEM6 en litre et le rapport VEMS VEM6 exprim en 0 70 70 ainsi que des zo |
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N11471 ver 2.2 PikoReal Real-Time PCR System User Manual
Thermo Scientific PikoReal Real Time PCR System User Manual Rev 2 2 Cat no N11471 Copyright 2013 Copyright Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc First edition published in 2010 All rights reserved All trademarks are the sole property of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc and its subsidiaries Reproduction of the accompanying user documentation in whole or in part is prohibited License and trademark information This product is covered by the following patents and patents p |
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10. |
Piko User Manual - Fisher Scientific
Thermo Scientific Piko Thermal Cycler User Manual Rev 1 1 Cat no N11469 Copyright Copyright 2010 Thermo Fisher Scientific Corporation All rights reserved Reproduction of the accompanying user documentation in whole or in part is prohibited License and trademark information This product is licensed under U S patent Nos 5552580 and 5496517 and their foreign counterparts Notice Purchase of this instrument conveys a limited non transferable immunity fro |
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11. |
Piko® Plate Illuminator Quick user guide
Piko Plate Illuminator Quick user guide The Piko Plate Illuminator assists in loading samples into 24 or 96 well Piko PCR Plates using any standard pipettor It brightly illuminates the target well or wells with a white light Pre programmed loading patterns are included for single channel 8 channel and 16 channel pipettors Keypad layout d d Power key Select program Light all wells Pipettor selection Plate Illuminator r s r 16 1 m AD |
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12. |
n ss www e ness fr Technologies M dicales HealthCare Technology AVERTISSEMENT SUR L UTILISATION DU PiKo EN MODE MULTI PATIENTS Les spirom tres lectroniques miniaturis s de la gamme PiKo sont normalement destin s tre utilis s par un seul patient Dans le cadre du d pistage des maladies obstructives bronchiques asthme ou BPCO pour lequel la version Piko 6 a t d velopp e l utilisation de l appareil se fait en mode multi patients Le m decin |
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13. |
PIKO SmartControl -
PIK SMARTCONTROL SMARTCONTROL PIKO SmartControl O futuro digital para controlo de modelismo ferrovi rio Programa o RR maria e registo Na via principal e na via dedicada de programa o de locomotivas se equipadas com decoder RailComPlus Actualiza es autom ticas Atrav s da Google Playstore ASL brilnantemente simples simplesmente brilhante An ncios de esta o luzes sons de motor apito de chefe de |
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14. |
Istruzioni per il montaggio e l`uso dell`inverter solare PIKO
ssa KOS UAL Smart a i l connections Istruzioni per l uso e il montaggio PIKO 3 0 3 614215518 31101 KOSTAL Inverter Versione software a partire da 3 50 Auto IP COLOPHON KOSTAL Solar Electric GmbH HanferstraBe 6 79108 Freiburg i Br Germania Tel 49 0 761 703870 0 Fax 49 0 761 703870 19 www kostal solar electric com Esclusione della responsabilit Tutti i nomi usati nomi commerciali nomi di prodotti o altre definizioni possono essere |
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15. |
PIKO PACS User Manual
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Installation Instructions 1 1 Prior to Install 1 2 Download the software 1 3 Obtaining the PIKO PACS by Opal License Introduction to PikoPACS by Opal 2 1 What is PikoPACS by Opal 2 2 Getting Started 2 3 Introduction to the StudyList 2 3 1 Send The StudyList 3 1 Customizing the StudyList 3 1 1 Sorting 3 1 2 Searching 3 2 Settings Tab 3 2 1 Columns tab 3 2 2 Options tab 3 3 Importing a CD 3 4 Edit a Study Edit a Patient 3 4 1 Edit a Stud |
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