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# | Title | Type | Language | Download |
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GeneRead DNA FFPE Handbook
March 2014 GeneRead DNA FFPE Handbook For purification of genomic DNA from formalin fixed paraffinembedded FFPE tissues for reliable next generation sequencing analysis Making improvements in life possible QIAGEN Sample amp Assay Technologies QIAGEN Sample and Assay Technologies QIAGEN is the leading provider of innovative sample and assay technologies enabling the isolation and detection of contents of any biological sample Our advanced h |
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NucleoSpin® totalRNA FFPE XS - MACHEREY
Total RNA isolation from FFPE Samples User manual NucleoSpin totalRNA FFPE NucleoSpin totalRNA FFPE XS July 2015 Rev 04 MACHEREY NAGEL MN www mn net com Total RNA from FFPE samples Protocol at a glance Rev 04 page 1 1 Sample preparation NucleoSpin totalRNA FFPE Insert FFPE section s in a microcentrifuge tube NucleoSpin totalRNA FFPE XS Insert FFPE section s in a microcentrifuge tube 2 Deparaffinize sample 1 mL Paraffin Di |
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truXTRAC FFPE DNA 8 microTUBE Strip Kit for chemagen
PROTOCOL Covaris truXTRAC FFPE DNA 8 microTUBE Strip Kit for chemagen Technology 96 Adaptive Focused Acoustics AFA based DNA extraction and purification from Formalin Fixed Paraffin Embedded FFPE Tissue Contents INTENDED EE 2 INTRODUCTION Ee ee Eege E 2 REVISION HISTORY EE 3 KIT CONTENTS eneen RER EA EE O ONEA NOAOA reegt ebe Eer 3 eeler 3 SUPPLIED BY USERS eebe Geet eege eet eet dca gege Eed ee gege e eet 3 PROCEDURE WORKFLOW OVERVIEW soriire rair iee E |
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SOP manuelle RNA Aufreinigung aus FFPE Schnitten
EndoPredict ee Sts EndoPredict Report Generator C MYRIAD Myriad GmbH Bunsenstrasse 7 82152 Martinsried GERMANY 49 0 89 414 14 24 20 www myriadgenetics eu info myriadgenetics eu ual fW Mia Sividon Diagnostics GmbH Nattermannallee 1 50829 K ln GERMANY 49 0 221 669 561 00 www sividon com iff Sividon Manual do EndoPredict Diagnostics pen Vers o 3 1 1 18 08 2014 EndoPredict Report Generator Versao V3 1 Manual d |
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FFPE DNA extraction protocol
FFPE DNA Extraction Protocol for OncoScan Assay f NOTE Affymetrix strongly recommends using the QlAamp DNA FFPE Tissue Kit protocol for purifying DNA from FFPE Blocks that will be used in OncoScan Assay For improved DNA yields we also recommend a modification to the QlAamp DNA FFPE Tissue Kit protocol The modified procedure adds a heating step at 98 C for 15 minutes to improve the tissue digestion process to release DNA from tissue sections Please refer to the Q |
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QuantiGene® ViewRNA For FFPE Samples
QuantiGene ViewRNA For FFPE Samples User Manual Panomics Panomics Inc QuantiGene ViewRNA For FFPE Samples User Manual Copyright O Copyright 2009 Panomics Inc All rights reserved Trademarks QuantiGene is a registered trademark exclusively licensed to Panomics Inc All other trademarks belong to their respective owners Citing QuantiGene ViewRNA in Publications When describing a procedure for publication using this product please refer to it as the QuantiG |
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truXTRAC™ FFPE DNA microTUBE Kit for chemagen
PROTOCOL Covaris truXTRAC FFPE DNA microTUBE Kit for chemagen Technology 24 For use with the Chemagen Prepito D Automation Platform Adaptive Focused Acoustics AFA based DNA extraction and purification from Formalin Fixed Paraffin Embedded FFPE Tissue Patent Pending Patent Pending Contents INTENDED USE costs otio ioc eb separa ulia ut en Na aan E Ud 2 dan are Nan deseo pu nad AA PAR Re nup CURAE pA NN 2 KIT CONTENIS ri Bae aa ae a |
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QIAamp® DNA FFPE Tissue Handbook
June 2012 QlAamp DNA FFPE Tissue Handbook For purification of genomic DNA from formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissues QIAGEN QIAGEN Sample and Assay Technologies QIAGEN is the leading provider of innovative sample and assay technologies enabling the isolation and detection of contents of any biological sample Our advanced high quality products and services ensure success from sample to result QIAGEN sets standards in Purification of DNA RNA and p |
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NucleoSpin® FFPE RNA/DNA
RNA and DNA Isolation from FFPE Samples User Manual NucleoSpin FFPE RNA DNA July 2010 Rev 02 MACHEREY NAGEL MN RNA and DNA Isolation from FFPE Samples Protocol at a glance Rev 02 NucleoSpin FFPE RNA DNA Protocol 5 3 RNA and DNA Protocol 5 1 RNA and DNA isolation with Paraffin Dissolver isolation with xylene 1 Deparaffinize sample 400 ul Paraffin Dissolver 1 ml xylene 60 C 3 min RT 2 min Mi |
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E.Z.N.A.® FFPE DNA Kit - Omega Bio-Tek
Ca OMEGA Innovations in nucleic acid isolation bio tek Product Manual E Z N A FFPE DNA Kit D3399 00 5 preps D3399 01 50 preps June 2013 For research use only Not intended for diagnostic testing E Z N A FFPE DNA Kit Table of Contents Introduction and OVErVIEW scssssssccssesseccseecseesscessecseecneceees Kit Contents Storage and Stability sesseesssececsseeses Preparing Reagents esssesssssssseseeesssesesessssesceesseseesoesesssoosss |
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FFPE RNA Purification 96-Well Kit - Protocol
Fax 905 227 1061 BIOTEK wi CORPORATION Email techsupport norgenbiotek com gt k 3430 Schmon Parkway N R E N Thorold ON Canada L2V 4Y6 gt Phone 866 667 4362 e 905 227 8848 FFPE RNA Purification 96 Well Kit Product Insert Product 25400 Norgen s FFPE RNA Purification Kit provides a rapid method for high throughput isolation and purification of total RNA including microRNA from formalin fixed paraffin embedded FFPE tissue samples Using formalin to fix t |
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miRCURY LNA™ microRNA ISH Optimization Kit (FFPE)
Localization miRCURY LNA microRNA ISH Optimization Kit FFPE Instruction manual v2 0 for product 90000 90001 90002 90003 90004 90005 90007 90008 90009 December 2011 EXIQON Seek Find Verify N 3d34 Hy uoneziumndo HSI w YNT AYNIY Literature citations Please refer to miRCURY LNA microRNA Detection probes and ISH optimization kit when describing a procedure for publication using this product or to the following article Rob |
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DNA isolation from FFPE samples User manual NucleoSpin DNA FFPE XS June 2014 Rev 02 MACHEREY NAGEL www mn net com DNA Isolation from FFPE Samples Protocol at a glance Rev 02 NucleoSpin DNA FFPE XS Protocol 5 1 DNA isolation with Paraffin Dissolver Protocol 5 2 DNA isolation with xylene Sample preparation For appropriate sample For appropriate sample quantity see section 2 4 quantity see section 2 4 1 |
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Mag-Bind® FFPE DNA Kit Mag-Bind® FFPE DNA - Omega Bio-Tek
Ca OMEGA Innovations in nucleic acid isolation bio tek Product Manual Mag Bind FFPE DNA Kit M6957 00 5 preps M6957 01 50 Preps M6957 02 200 Preps Mag Bind FFPE DNA 96 Kit M6958 00 1 x 96 preps M6958 01 4 x 96 preps July 2013 For research use only Not intended for diagnostic testing Mag Bind FFPE DNA Kit Mag Bind FFPE DNA 96 Kit Table of Contents Introduction and OVEFVIEW sscsssccsscsecsseessecseccnsecseecnsceneerses 2 Kit Content ae 3 |
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PROTOCOL Covaris truXTRAC FFPE RNA Kit 25 Adaptive Focused Acoustics AFA based RNA extraction and purification from Formalin Fixed Paraffin Embedded Tissue Contents INTENDED USE 25 socnpcus patsy E E E E 2 INTRODUCTION EE 2 REVISION EST ee 3 KIT CONTENT TEE 3 STORAGE EE 3 S P PLEDD BV U SERS re ec 4 A A dE NE EAK EERE ee 5 FFPE Tissue Sample eesssssssnsnnnnesssssssssrerrrrrsssssssssssrrerrrrnssssssnrrerreressssseerrererer 5 Beete ege eegene 6 e G |
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Total RNA isolation from FFPE samples User manual
Total RNA isolation from FFPE samples User manual NucleoSpin totalRNA FFPE NucleoSpin totalRNA FFPE XS Dezember 2013 Rev 02 MACHEREY NAGEL MN www mn net com Total RNA from FFPE samples Protocol at a glance Rev 02 page 1 1 Sample preparation NucleoSpin totalRNA FFPE Insert FFPE section s in a microcentrifuge tube NucleoSpin totalRNA FFPE XS Insert FFPE section s in a microcentrifuge tube 2 Deparaffinize sample 1 mL Paraf |
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