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ECE 311 Page 1 of 12 Fundamentals of Electronics Lab 01 Understanding the Oscilloscope Laboratory Procedure AUTO SET CAL SETUPS UTIL ANALOG ACQUIRE SAVE_RECALL MEASURE MATH DISPLAY HARD COPY GOO _BODOOOOO TT ring HOLD OFF TRIGGER MAGNIFY 4x POS OOU 0 282 0 ee E L DELAYED TIME BASE DELAY POISITION siz _ emccen Cow O O sh Be 2 MAX 400Vpk at 1MQ ZAEXT TRIG INPUT MAX 400Vpk at 1Mp TO LES ST7667 Figure 1 Fluke PM3 |
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lab10 - Cristinel Ababei
Lab 10 Introduction to Ethernet COEN 4720 Embedded Systems Cristinel Ababei Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering Marquette University 1 Objective The objective of this lab is to introduce you to Ethernet We also study the EMAC EasyWEB example from Keil which illustrates a simple web server hosted on the LandTiger 2 0 board Note This presentation has been adapted from various references listed at the end of this document 2 Ethernet Ethernet is now the wor |
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Lab1 - Xilinx
Lab Workbook Modeling Concepts Modeling Concepts Introduction Verilog HDL modeling language supports three kinds of modeling styles gate level dataflow and behavioral The gate level and datafow modeling are used to model combinatorial circuits whereas the behavioral modeling is used for both combinatorial and sequential circuits This lab illustrates the use of all three types of modeling by creating simple combinatorial circuits targeting Nexys3 board and using the PlanAhe |
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Lab1: Introduction to Orcad
Electronics I LAB Labl Introduction to PsPise 1 Introduction to PsPise SPICE Simulation Program for Integrated Circuits Emphasis is a po werful general purpo se analog and mixed mode circuit simulator that is used to verify circuit designs and to predict the circuit behavior PSpice is a PC version of SPICE which is currently available from OrCAD Corp Capture is used to drawn a circuit on the screen known formally as schematic capture It offers great fl |
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Lab1 System2.Order sol
HOCHSCHULE REGENSBURG u UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED abor SCIENCES Laboratory 1 Analog Systems of 1 and 2 Order Prof Dr Martin J W Schubert Electronics Laboratory Regensburg University of Applied Sciences Regensburg M Schubert Lab1 Analog Systems of 1 and 2 Order Regensburg University of Applied Sciences Abstract Electronic control loop circuits as typical e g for AX A D converters are compared to generalized first and second order models and verified by |
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Blackfin BF533 EZ KIT Putting the O inte JITK Just In Time Kr Activating a FLASH memory out Part 2 The ROW and RAW ideas are th 1e gt sa me as in Lab Assignment 1 Lab 2 Lab 3 and Lab 4 Agenda e Processors need to send out conti processor chip 16 FLASH memory chip has additional o ports connected to Ez Lite KIT LED s e Making the FLASH memory I O port control the Ez KIT LED s e The new Blackfin assembly language |
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1 LAB1: Getting Started ArcGIS Desktop
Geog 255 Geographical Information Science I Spring 2011 LAB1 Getting Started ArcGIS Desktop lab date January 12 2010 In Lab due date January 26 2010 In Lab deliverables Answer sheet e ArcMap document mxd e Hard copy ArcMap Layout view I Introduction In GEOG 255 labs you will learn to use GIS software called ESRI ArcGIS Desktop which is one of the most commonly used software packages among GIS users ESRI ArcGIS Desktop has two major applications A |
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Lab1: Basic Stamp II Digital I/O 305
Lab1 Basic Stamp II Digital I O 305 554A Microprocessors for Mechanical Systems 6 October 1999 Group D Yeow Wei Pang Anny Xie Abstract This report covers an introductory laboratory exercise done to interface Basic Stamp II digital I O to various devices an LED a seven segment display TIL306 a 4x4 matrix keypad and a serial LCD display The exercises involved include flashing an LED displaying numeric inputs on the TIL306 and implementing a digital stop |
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Lab1 - Xilinx
Lab Workbook Modeling Concepts Modeling Concepts Introduction Verilog HDL modeling language supports three kinds of modeling styles gate level dataflow and behavioral The gate level and datafow modeling are used to model combinatorial circuits whereas the behavioral modeling is used for both combinatorial and sequential circuits This lab illustrates the use of all three types of modeling by creating simple combinatorial circuits targeting Nexys4 board and using the Vivado |
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TEA Gi Dalhousie University Inspiring Minds Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering ECED 6240 CMOS MEMS Lab 1 MEMS Pro Tutorial Lab report due Feb 27th In this tutorial you will create a schematic design analyze system behavior and generate device layout with the MEMS Pro tools S Edit T Spice W Edit and L Edit The design example is an electrostatic lateral comb drive resonator A resonator is a MEMS transducer that can be used as a sensor by e |
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