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# | Title | Type | Language | Download |
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B Sofia RSV FIA QWUIDEL FOR USE WITH SOFIA ONLY INTENDED USE The Sofia RSV FIA employs immunofluorescence for detection of respiratory syncytial virus RSV nucleoprotein antigen in nasopharyngeal swab and nasopharyngeal aspirate wash specimens taken directly from symptomatic patients This qualitative test is intended for use as an aid in the rapid diagnosis of acute RSV infections in pediatric patients less than 19 years of age Negative results do not preclude RSV infe |
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SPH2000 Ethernet Communications Intended type
FO e Front runners MICREA SA series SPH USER S MANUAL SPH2000 Ethernet Communications Intended type NP1PM 48E NP1PM 256E gt FEH193 Preface Thank you for purchasing Fuji Electric Programmable Controller MICREX SX Series This user s manual describes the Ethernet communication specifications and operations of CPU modules with the Ethernet function Read this manual carefully to ensure correct operation When using modules or peripheral devices be sure to read |
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1 1. Introduction 1.1. About this Manual This manual is intended to
1 Introduction 1 1 About this Manual This manual is intended to provide the user with an overview of the board and benefits complete features specifications and set up procedures It contains important safety information as well 1 2 Feedback and Update to this Manual To help our customers make the most of our products we are continually making additional and updated resources available on the JK Electronics technical support website http cafe naver com avrstud |
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Intended Use:
M tlexleg Mobility Redefined Intended Use A crutch alternative designed to enable mobility while preventing weight bearing ona lower limb MAX SUPPORTED WEIGHT 300 Lbs 136 08 Kgs MAX USER HEIGHT 6 8 203 cm DEVICE NET WEIGHT 5 9 Lbs 2 68 Kgs Designed by FlexLeg LLC Manufactured in USA for FlexLeg LLC INTRODUCTION Thank you for choosing FlexLeg as you recover from a lower leg injury or other medical condition that prevents weight |
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Silk`n Flash&Go Intended Use
Silk n FlashaGo Instructions For Use Instructions pour Putilisation Silk n Flash amp Go is a powerful device As such it should be used with special attention to safety cause eye injury Keep away from your eyes es Applying a Silk n Flash amp Go pulse to the eyes can a gt Do not use Silk n Flash amp Go on tanned skin or OO lafter recent sun exposure Not Safe za DonotuseSilkn Flash amp Go on naturally o Idark skin before use and |
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english intended use summary and explanation of the test principle
PREVU NON INVASIVE SKIN TEST DE CHOLESTEROL CHOLESTEROL TEST CUTAN NON INVASIF ENGLISH INTENDED USE The PreVu Non Invasive Skin Cholesterol Point of Care POC Test PreVu POC Test is an in vitro diagnostic test for the quantification of skin cholesterol Like serum cholesterol elevated skin cholesterol is associated with an increased risk of coronary artery disease Thus skin cholesterol can be used as part of risk assessment for coronary artery disease CAD |
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Manual Baby Merc Q7 Deluxe The pram is intended for children
Manual Baby Merc Q7 Deluxe The pram is intended for children from the age of 0 3 years and an approved weight to 15 Kg The pram meets the EU safety standards EN 1888 2002 A1 2005 A2 2005 A3 2005 The Baby carrier car seat meets the safety standard ECE 44 04 Please read all instructions carefully before using your pram and keep it on for future reference and feedback If you do not follow these instructions you may impair the safety of your child If you do |
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8. | This handout is intended to give
www middleborolittleleague com This handout is intended to give you an overview of the manager s access within the league s new website Each of you should have received an email with your team password Additional reminder emails will be sent shortly Another email will be sent to all of the league parents giving them the password for their individual team Certain information will only be visible to team members but we are still working on the details of what information will be |
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This document is intended to help you configure
X ServersCheck Monitoring Appliance Quick Overview Po o This document is intended to make you familiar with the ServersCheck Monitoring Appliance Although it is possible we highly recommend not to install other software on the device as it might interfere with the Monitoring Software the device was designed for Installing other software will void the warranty and support for the device 1 About the Monitoring Appliance The ServersCheck Monitoring Software require |
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Page 1 of 15 Sofia Strep A FIA INTENDED USE SUMMARY
1 Sofia Strep A FIA CJ LIE FOR USE WITH SOFIA ONLY iu INTENDED USE The Sofia Strep A FIA employs immunofluorescence technology to detect Group A Streptococcal antigens from throat swabs of symptomatic patients All negative test results should be confirmed by bacterial culture because negative results do not preclude Group A Strep infection and should not be used as the sole basis for treatment The test is intended for professional and laboratory use as an aid in the d |
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REF P080007 Type of Strip 7P English INTENDED
ADVANTAGE URINE REAGENT STRIPS FOR URINALYSIS y NDC The test strips provide qualitative and semi quantitative tests in urine For Professional n Vitro Diagnostic Use Only REF P080007 Type of Strip 7P INTENDED USE The Pro Advantage Urine Reagent Strips are for the qualitative and semi quantitative detection of one or more of the following analytes in urine Leukocytes Nitrite Blood pH Protein Ketone Acetoacetic acid and Glucose The Pro Advantage Urine Reagent |
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Intended Uses Packing List Steps to Follow
EAGLE TREE So So EMIS User Manual for the Seagull Glide Wireless Dashboard Telemetry System Patent Pending Document Version 1 6 Please read this manual before using your new system Thank you for your purchase This instruction manual will guide you through the installation and operation of your Seagull Glide Wireless Dashboard Telemetry System The Glide System is the first instrument designed for models that supports electronic Total Energy Compensation derived f |
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Intended Use
Ih KNAUER feura Pump P 2 1S P 4 15 User Manual V6870 Akung siaran er eS gt as pE AURE mvs nom 01 ax mum BAE KNAUER MB ae MO AO L Note The contents of this user manual apply for all BlueShadow products Please submit a request on any article numbers for BlueShadow Table of Contents 3 Table of Contents Note For your own safety read the manual and always observe the warnings and safety information on the d |
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User Manual for Authorized & Trained Users Only Intended use
PREPEX User Manual for Authorized amp Trained Users Onl Intended use PrePex is a single use disposable device indicated for circumcision of adult men defined as circumferential excision of the foreskin or prepuce at or near the level of coronal sulcus with minimal amount of preputial skin remaining Contraindications Dermatitis of the penis or foreskin allergy to rubber non intact skin on the penis or foreskin active genital infection warts on the glans or |
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Intended Use - Porter Instrument
idal Parker Hannifin Corporation Porter Instrument Division 245 Township Line Road rx Hatfield PA 19440 U S A Ufficio 1 215 723 4000 Fax 1 215 723 5106 da Digital MDM Manuale d uso AA173200i Questo prodotto conforme alla Direttiva sui dispositivi medici 93 42 CEE 0473 E stata redatta e archiviata una Dichiarazione di conformit conforme a tale direttiva EC REP Per qualsiasi ragguaglio riguardante la Direttiva sui dispositivi |
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Unintended motion control for manually directed multi
12 United States Patent Warhurst et al US008367022B2 US 8 367 022 B2 Feb 5 2013 10 Patent No 45 Date of Patent 54 75 73 21 22 65 60 51 52 58 56 UNINTENDED MOTION CONTROL FOR MANUALLY DIRECTED MULTI CHANNEL ELECTRONIC PIPETTOR Inventors Julian Warhurst Ashland MA US Richard Cote Bolton MA US Assignee Integra Biosciences Corp Hudson NH US Notice Subject to any disclaimer the |
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This e-book is intended to be read on a computer screen. You can
te a d i Yvon Bourque This e book is intended to be read on a computer screen You can print the e book for your own use However it will have a copyright watermark notice at the bottom of each page Table of contents and Foreword I am pleased that you purchased one of our Pentax K 7 Everything you need to know and then PENTAX K 7 some book As an enthusiastic photographer for Ju uwaw and then some many years I have had many Pentax camer |
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This User Manual is intended for our end users/companies
cker Labor Compliance Software CONTRACTOR S USER MANUAL CONFIDENTIAL PLEASE DO NOT DISTRIBUTE This User Manual is intended for our end users companies utilizing LCPtracker for current contracts Contractors Sub contractors Administrators may distribute copies to Contractor Sub contractor users but all material must stay within the sole possession of that company LCPtracker Program Version 7 0 5 October 2013 LCPtracker Inc All rights reserved T |
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This Exhibitor Service Manual is intended to assist you in prep
EXHIBITOR SERVICE MANUAL 20 ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION ON ANTI AGING MEDICINE Marriott World Center Orlando FL Expo Dates May 17 19 2012 INTRODUCTION This Exhibitor Service Manual is intended to assist you in preparing for the Exposition We recommend that you simply select and print out the information sections and order forms as required We strongly recommend that you or your appointed contractor submit all orders as soon as possible to avoid late or overdue charg |
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Model SR255 Daily Weigh Scale Operating and Service Manual S N 3616 Part No MAN255 130628 Page 1 of 23 SR Scales by SR Instruments Inc Model SR255 Daily Weigh Scale Operating and Service Manual Serial Numbers 3616 SR Instruments Inc 600 Young Street Tonawanda NY 14150 Tel 716 693 5977 Fax 716 693 5854 URL www srscales com email sri srinstruments com Copyright 2013 SR Instruments Inc Model SR255 Daily Weigh Scale Operatin |
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